
TODAY: ToyBlock Music on I Wear Your Shirt

ToyBlock Music is unlike anything else out in the music world today. It is an ongoing collection of real artists reinterpreting their favorite childhood songs and making them, well, real music. The EP, coming out officially on April 1st (yep, April Fool's Day), is called Eats Paste and will feature a super funky "The Wheels on the Bus," a surf/lounge "The Cat Came Back," and Stereo Sinai's special take on "Wynken, Blynken and Nod," among others. We've heard them, and believe us, they seriously rock.

Catch a sneak peek of the project today on I Wear Your Shirt! And, in the meantime, you can head over to the website, www.toyblockmusic.com, and sign up for the mailing list to get insider information and special deals on way cool ToyBlock Music stuff in the future.

Need more? How about this: a portion of the proceeds from ToyBlock Music will be donated to PAGER, a national charity that works with families and kids with GERD, a truly nasty disease that not too many people know about, or know how to diagnose.

Oh, and did we mention there are not one, but TWO Grammy Award winners featured on this project? That's right. Ricco Lumpkins (who won for TLC's album, Fanmail - yes, the one with "No Scrubs") and Matt Shane (Flight of the Conchords) are mixing, producing, and mastering a bunch of the tracks, making them sparkle with that unique Grammy-shine.

Anyway, we're way excited about ToyBlock Music. Our track is a lullaby Miriam's mom used to sing her to sleep with. She even has a recording of the two of them singing it together when Miriam was only three. So you'll definitely hear about it from us again. In the meantime, check out I Wear Your Shirt, and maybe, just maybe, something magical will happen...

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