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Stereo Sinai is proud to be part of a project called Pioneers for a Cure, an artist-driven cancer research and treatment philanthropy. All proceeds from Stereo Sinai's "Purim Hayom" will benefit the American Lung Association.
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- Gideon's Song ~ [read] (written and produced by Miriam Brosseau and Alan Jay Sufrin)The angel of HASHEM appeared to him, and said to him, "HASHEM is with you, O mighty hero" [Judges 6:12] ... and he called it, "HASHEM [is the source of our] Peace." [Judges 6:24]וירא אליו מלאך ה' ויאמר אליו ה' עמך גבור החיל: [שפטים ו:יב] ... ויקרא לו ה' שלום עד היום הזה: [שפטים ו:כד]אVa-yera eylav mal'ach HASHEM va-yomer eylav HASHEM eemcha gibor he-chayil. Va-yikra lo HASHEM shalom aad ha-yom ha-ze.
- From the Dust (התנערי) ~ [read] (written by Miriam Brosseau; produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)Shake off the dust, rise up! Put on your clothes of magnificence, My people. By the hand of the son of Jesse of Beit Lechem, come closer to My redeeming soul./Wake up, wake up! Your light has come, so rise up and shine it. Awaken, awaken and sing a song. The glory of HASHEM has been revealed on you. [From the "Come, my Beloved" prayer welcoming the Sabbath]התנערי מעפר קומי, לבשי בגדי תפארתך עמי, על יד בן ישי בית הלחמי, קרבה אל נפשי גאלה./התעוררי התעוררי, כי בא אורך קומי אורי, עורי עורי שיר דברי, כבוד ה' עליך נגלה. [מתפילת "לכה דודי" בקבלת שבת]א
Hitnaari me'afar kumi, livshi bigdey tif'artech ami, al yad Ben Yishai Beit Ha-lachmi, karva el nafshi ge'ala. Hitoreri hitoreri, ki va orech kumi ori, uri uri shir daberi, k'vod HASHEM alayich nigla.
- Beautiful City (למקדשך) ~ [read] (written and produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)Return to Your sanctuary and to the Holy of Holies, the place where souls and spirits will gather, and they will sing songs and praises to You, in Jerusalem, the beautiful city. [From the "O, Master of the Universe" Sabbath evening meal hymn]למקדשך תוב ולקדש קדשין, אתר די בה יחדון רוחין ונפשין, ויזמרון לך שירין ורחשין, בירושלם קרתא דשופריא. [מהזמר "י-ה רבון" בסדר ליל שבת]א
Le-mikdashech tuv ule-kodesh kud'shin, atar di vey yechedun ruchin ve-nafshin, viyzamrun lach shirin ve-rachashin, b'yerush'lem karta d'shufraya.
- Blues of Glory ~ [read] (written and produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)I will tell of Your magnificence but I can't see You, I will tell stories about You and describe You, but I don't know You. [From the "Song of Glory" prayer in the additional Sabbath service]אספרה כבודך ולא ראיתיך, אדמך אכנך ולא ידעתיך. [מהפיוט "שיר הכבוד" בתפילת מוסף לשבת]א
Asapra ch'vodcha ve-lo ra'iticha, adamcha achancha ve-lo y'daticha.
- David and Goliath ~ [read] (written and produced by Miriam Brosseau and Alan Jay Sufrin)You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin - but I come to you in the name of HASHEM, Master of Legions [I Samuel 17:45] ... for it is not by sword and spear that HASHEM saves ... [I Samuel 17:47]אתה בא אלי בחרב ובחנית ובכחידון ואנוכי בא אליך בשם ה' צבאות [שמואל א יז:מה] ... כי לא בחרב ובחנית יהושיע ה' ... [שמואל א יז:מז]א
Ata ba elai be-cherev uva-chanit uv'chidon va-anochi ba elecha be-shem HASHEM tzeva'ot. Ki lo be-cherev uva-chanit yehoshia HASHEM.
- Dance (הפכת מספדי) featuring Matthue Roth~ [read] (written and produced by Alan Jay Sufrin; English lyrics by Matthue Roth)You transformed my sorrow into dancing. You unraveled my sackcloth and filled me with happiness[.] so that I might sing tribute to You and never stop. HASHEM is my G-d, I will thank You forever. [Psalms 30:12-13]הפכת מספדי למחול לי פתחת שקי ותאזרני שמחה: למען יזמרך כבוד ולא ידם ה' אלקי לעולם אודך: [תהלים ל:יב-יג]א
Hafachta mispedi le-machol li pitachta saki va-t'azreyni simcha. Le-maan y'zamercha chavod ve-lo yidom AMONAI elokai le-olam odeka.I try to talk to G-d every chance that I get
When I don't know what to pray, I just say where I'm at
Thanks for eating, breathing, teething, or just being my Creator
Thanks for taking me out, and bringing me back home laterPeople always run to You, when they feel depressed
And they tune You right out when they're doing their best
'Cause this world is a mess
I can't stay 'till the end
Then I place my request and it starts to make senseThanks for stuffing in my breath so that I can breathe out
When I'm out and about and I feel real devout
I remember Your rain makes every blade of grass spoutYou gave me basically everything
From my body and my soul
To my questioning
You're the reason that we praise
Your'e the reason that we cry
Raise us up
Let us sleep
And when it's the right time
We dieThat's all there is
That's all there is
That's all there is...(You took my grief
Unmade the mess
Opened up my darkened clothes
And turned them to a sack of happiness)You created this world and everything in it, too
So that means every time I dance, I'm dancing with You
- Tum-Balalaika (טום-באלאלייקע) ~ [read] (traditional melody; produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, strum balalaika
Tumbalalaika, may we be happyA young lad stands, stands and thinks
Thinks and thinks a whole night
Whom to take and not to shame
Whom to take and not to shameGirl, girl, I want to ask of you
What can grow, grow without rain?
What can burn and never end?
What can yearn; cry without tears?Foolish lad, why do you have to ask?
A stone can grow, grow without rain
Love can burn and never end
A heart can yearn; cry without tearsטום-באלא, טום-באלא, טום-באלאלייקע,
טום-באלא, טום-באלא, טום-באלאלייקע,
טום-באלאלייקע, שפיל באלאלייקע,
טום-באלאלייקע, פריילעך זאל זייןשטייט א בחור, שטייט און טראכט,
טראכט און טראכט א גאנצע נאכט:
וועמען צו נעמען און נישט פארשעמען.
וועמען צו נעמען און נישט פארשעמעןמיידל, מיידל, כ'וויל ביי דיר פרעגן:
וואס קען וואקסן, וואקסן אן רעגן?
וואס קען ברענען און נישט אויפהערן?
וואס קען בענקען, וויינען אן טרערן?אנארישער בחור, וואס דארפסטו פרעגן?
א שטיין קען וואקסן, וואקסן אן רעגן,
ליבע קען ברענען און נישט אויפהערן,
א הארץ קען בענקען, וויינען אן טרערןTumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbala, Tumbala, Tumbalalaika
Tumbalalaika, shpil balalaika
Tumbalalaika, freylekh zol zaynShteyt a bocher, shteyt un tracht
Tracht un tracht a gantse nacht
Vemen tzu nemen un nisht farshemen
Vemen tzu nemen un nisht farshemenMeydl, meydl, ch'vil bay dir fregn,
Vos ken vaksn, vaksn on regn?
Vos ken brenen un nisht oyfhern?
Vos ken benken, veynen on trern?Narisher bocher, vos darfstu fregn?
A shteyn ken vaksn, vaksn on regn,
Libe ken brenen un nisht oyfhern,
A harts ken benken, veynen on trern.
- Good to Me (מה אשיב) ~ [read] (written and produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)What can I give back to HASHEM? G-d is completely good to me. I'll raise my cup of salvations and call out in the name of HASHEM [Psalms 116:12-13]... halleluy-h. [Psalms 116:19]מה אשיב לה' כל תגמולוהי עלי: כוס ישועות אשא ובשם ה' אקרא: [תהלים קטז:יב-יג] ... הללוי-ה: [תהלים קטז:יט]א
Mah Ashiv la-AMONAI kol tagmulohi alai. Kos yeshu'ot e-sah uv'shem AMONAI ekra: haleluka.
- Radiant Faces (יראו את השם) ~ [read] (written and produced by Miriam Brosseau and Alan Jay Sufrin)I sought HASHEM and G-d answered me, and from all my terrors G-d saved me. [People] turned to G-d and became radiant, and their faces will never become downcast. [Psalms 34:5-6]... Be in awe of HASHEM, holy people of G-d, because those who are in awe lack nothing. Even lions crave and are left hungry, but those who seek HASHEM will never lack any good thing. [Psalms 34:10-11]דרשתי את ה' וענני ומכל מגורותי הצילני: הביטו אליו ונהרו ופניהם אל יחפרו: [תהלים לד:ה-ו] ... יראו את ה' קדשיו כי אין מחסור ליראיו: כפירים רשו ורעבו ודרשי ה' לא יחסרו כל טוב: [תהלים לד:י-יא]א
Darashti et HASHEM va-anani u-mikol m'gurotai hitzilani. Hibitu eylav v'naharu u-f'neyhem al yechparu. Yr'u et HASHEM k'doshav ki eyn machsor li'rey-av. K'firim rashu v'ra-eyvu v'dorshey HASHEM lo yach's'ru chol tov.
- G-dcast - Lech Lecha~ [read] ~ FREE DOWNLOAD ABOVE! (written and produced by Miriam Brosseau and Alan Jay Sufrin)Avram says I’m beautiful
So much so
He hides me away
But now I'm growing old
And it’s time to go
Should I laugh, or should I pray?
This land that will be ours
Where sons are just like stars
We’re blindly told to go
To somewhere we don’t know
To live without blame
There's a promise made
That will never fade
Revealed in our new names
[breakdown- Abraham, Sarah]
So it's time for us to leave
With souls who now believe
It's not beauty, not royalty that keeps me going
But a Voice that's worth hearing, a path You’re showing
It's not just the land that we're walking to
But the journey itself is where we prove ourselves to You
Now it's time for us to leave
and live what we believe
- Purim Hayom (פורים היום) ~ [read] (produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)Purim is today, Purim is today, let's rejoice and be happy
Let's give thanks to G-d on high, in G-d let's always trust
Let's all be happy and rejoice in the miracle that G-d did for us
Purim is today, Purim is today, let's rejoice and be happy
Today is Purim, Today is Purim, let's rejoice and be happyפורים היום, פורים היום, נגילה ונשמחה
נודה לא-ל שברום, בו תמיד נבטחה
נודה לא-ל שברום, בו תמיד נבטחה
נשמח נגיל כולנו על נס עשה א-ל לנו
פורים היום, פורים היום, נגילה ונשמחה
היום פורים, היום פורים, נגילה ונשמחה
Pu-rim hayom, pu-rim hayom, nagila v'nism'cha
no-deh la-kel she-ba-rom, bo ta-mid niv'tacha
no-deh la-kel she-ba-rom, bo ta-mid niv'tacha
Nismach nagil kulanu al nes a-sa kel lanu
Pu-rim hayom, pu-rim hayom, nagila v'nism'cha
Hayom pu-rim, hayom pu-rim, nagila v'nism'cha
- Shalom Aleichem (שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם) ~ [read] (produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)May peace be upon you, ministering angels, highest of angels, who come from the King of kings of the kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He
May you enter for peace, angels of peace, highest of angels, who come from the King of kings of the kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He
May you bless me for peace, angels of peace, highest of angels, who come from the King of kings of the kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He.
May you leave for peace, angels of peace, highest of angels, who come from the King of kings of the kings, the Holy One, Blessed is He.- שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁרֵת מַלְאֲכֵי עֶלְיוֹן
- מִמֶּלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא
- בּוֹאֲכֶם לְשָׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי עֶלְיוֹן
- מִמֶּלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא
- בָּרְכוּנִי לְשָׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁלוֹם מַלְאָכִי עֶלְיוֹן
- מִמֶּלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא
- צֵאתְכֶם לְשָׁלוֹם מַלְאֲכֵי הַשָּׁלוֹם מַלְאָכִי עֶלְיוֹן
- מִמֶּלֶךְ מַלְכֵי הַמְּלָכִים הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא
Shalom aleichem, mal'achei ha-sharet, mal'achei el-yon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu
Bo'achem l'shalom, mal'achei ha-shalom, mal'achei el-yon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu
Barchuni l'shalom, mal'achei ha-shalom, mal'achei el-yon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu
Tzeitchem l'shalom, mal'achei ha-shalom, mal'achei el-yon, mimelech malchei ham'lachim, ha-Kadosh Baruch Hu
- Ale Brider (אַלע ברידער) ~ [read] (produced by Alan Jay Sufrin)And we are all brothers
All brothers
And we sing happy songs
And we are all sisters
All sisters
Just like Rachel, Ruth, and Esther
And we all stand together
Such a thing is not for naught
And we are all one
All one
Whether we are many, or whether we are few
Pious and secular, we’re all united
All united
Like a groom with a bride
And we are all happy
All happy
Like Jonathan and King David
And we are all brothers
Oy, oy, all brothers
And we sing happy songs
Oy, oy, oy
Oy, oy, oy…
And we are all brothers
All brothers- און מיר זײַנען אַלע ברידער
(און מיר זײַנען אַלע ברידער)
אַלע ברידער
און מיר זינגען פֿריילעכֿע לידער
און מיר זײַנען אַלע שוועסטער
(און מיר זײַנען אַלע שוועסטער)
אַלע שוועסטער
אַזוי ווי רָחל, רות, און אסתר
און מיר האַלטן זיך אין איינעם
זיך אין איינעם
אזעלכֿעס איז ניתאָ בײַ קײנעם
און מיר זײַנען אַלע אייניק
(און מיר זײַנען אַלע אייניק)
אַלע אייניק
צי מיר זײַנען פֿיל צי ווייניק
פֿרום און לינק פֿאַראייניקט אַלע
(פֿרום און לינק פֿאַראייניקט אַלע)
פֿאַראייניקט אַלע
ווי אַ חָתן מיט אַ כלה
און מיר זײַנען אַלע פֿרײלעך
אַלע פֿרײלעך
װי יונתן און דוד המלך
און מיר זײַנען אַלע ברידער
אוי, אוי, אַלע ברידער
און מיר זינגען פֿריילעכֿע לידער
אוי, אוי, אוי
אוי, אוי, אוי...
און מיר זײַנען אַלע ברידער
(און מיר זײַנען אַלע ברידער)
אַלע ברידערUn mir zaynen ale brider
(Un mir zaynen ale brider)
Mm, mm, ale brider
Un mir zingen freyliche lider
Mm, mm, mm
Un mir zaynen ale shvester
(Un mir zaynen ale shvester)
Mm, mm, ale shvester
Azoy vi Rochl, Rus un Ester
Mm, mm, mm
Un mir haltn zich in eynem
Mm, mm, zich in eynem
Azelches is nito bay keynem
Mm, mm, mm
Un mir zaynen ale eynik
(Un mir zaynen ale eynik)
Mm, mm, ale eynik
Tzi mir zaynen fil tzi veynik
Mm, mm, mm
Frum un link fareynikt ale
(Frum un link fareynikt ale)
Mm, fareynikt ale
Vi a chosn mit a kalle
Mm, mm, mm
Un mir zaynen ale freylich
Ale Freylich
Vi Yoynoson un Dovid HaMelech
Mm, mm, mm
Un mir zaynen ale brider
Oy, oy, ale brider
Un mir zingen freyliche lider
Oy, oy, oy
Oy, oy, oy…
Un mir zaynen ale brider
(Un mir zaynen ale brider)
Mm, mm, ale brider
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