
We Raised Over $1K for the ALA through Pioneers for a Cure!

This morning, Stereo Sinai got an update from Joodayoh, Inc., Founder Ricky Orbach that "a check for $1,081.36 was delivered to your beneficiary organization, American Lung Association last week."

Alright, Pioneers!

Our song, "Purim Hayom," was recorded exclusively to raise money for this organization via "Pioneers for a Cure," and you can only get it through their website. This is an amazing start, so let's keep it up! If you haven't downloaded "Purim Hayom" for a mere $1.99, go for it! If you have, tell your friends! Or hell, do it again!

Thanks to everyone who has helped us support this cause. You are true Thumpers.

*We should also give a shout-out to Klezmerfest who did a very fun version of a song called "Chalutz, Chalutz, Hineini" also on behalf of the American Lung Association.

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